Our School
Respectful | Resilient | Responsible | Honesty
School Vision
Empowering resilient learners to achieve success and thrive within a nurturing community.
Our Expectations
- Inspire empathetic, respectful, and resilient students.
- Motivate and engage students within a safe, caring, and inclusive learning environment.
- Support students to achieve their personal best across all aspects of the curriculum.
- Cultivate environmental responsibility and sustainability.
- Maintain positive connections across all members of the school and wider community.
- Foster a reflective teaching and learning community.
- Building resilient and respectful learners to become honest and responsible citizens.
- Growing resilient learners who flourish in a safe inclusive community. We are invested in providing quality education, nurturing each child to achieve success.
- An inclusive community where everyone can experience success with resilience and positive relationships.
- Empowering resilient learners to achieve success and thrive within a nurturing community.
- Nurturing resilient adaptable empathetic global citizens lifelong learners
Our Priority Areas
The four priority areas of ‘Pathways to Student Success’, ‘Excellence in Teaching and Learning’, ‘Positive School Culture and Pastoral Care’ and ‘Positive Partnerships and Relationships’ drive our curriculum delivery, communications, resourcing, and professional development. Working alongside the Department of Education’s ‘Building on Strength’ Strategic Plan 2020-2024, we ensure that we are focused on the names, numbers and needs of every student at Augusta Primary School.
Augusta Primary School Values
- Respectful: Respect and concern for others.
- Resilient: Resilience and self-acceptance.
- Responsible: Accepting responsibility.
- Honesty: Be honest with yourself and others
Teaching Beliefs
- We encourage our students to have high expectations, do their personal best and be respectful, responsible, and resilient members of our community.
- We create an environment which provides a balance between students’ academic, physical, and emotional needs.
- We support our students to be life-long learners.
- We actively monitor students’ performance through a variety of methods. These include academic (NAPLAN, PAT), non-academic (attendance), student wellbeing (surveys) and governance (operational plans).
- We engage with learning through evidence-based practise and continually develop and refine our knowledge and skills.
School Context
Augusta Primary School, Showing the way…
Augusta Primary School is located in the beautiful seaside town of Augusta where the Indian and Southern Ocean meet, at the mouth of Blackwood. In winter, the whales annually come to play off the Cape, and dolphins and stingrays are frequent visitors year-round. In this unique location we have a wealth of history and landmarks, featuring the Leeuwin Lighthouse, the tallest mainland lighthouse in the Southern Hemisphere. Augusta and the primary school have a strong sense of community where everybody works together to achieve and build success across a range of domains
Augusta Primary School caters for students from kindergarten through to Year 6. The school is part of the Southwest Education District and is serviced by the Regional Education Office in Bunbury and forms part of the Capes Network.
We are a rapidly growing school with approximately 110 students with our intake area stretching from Augusta to Kudardup. The school is surrounded by native bushland and lovely gardens within spacious school grounds. We have a modern and well-resourced Library thanks to kind donations from our local community and the amazing fundraising efforts of our P&C.
We have a brand-new purpose-built Kindergarten building, which boasts our well -established nature play area for the students. We are spoilt to be surrounded by Native bushland and in a semi-cleared area, the students can return to nature where they can build, imagine, and play as children. Located next to our oval you will notice our sustainable gardens and Waste Wise shed where students recycle and manufacture new materials.
The school prides itself with its strong sustainability focus equipping the students to be responsible for the future. We are also proud to be a Waterwise and Waste Sorted school. We have a flourishing vegetable garden, just beyond the shed, where each students enjoy gardening, composting and worm farming. Connected to the garden is our school kitchen/canteen that allows the students to cook and create using the abundant organic produce.
We are fortunate to have our very own Performing Arts Building, Science/ Art Room and Japanese Learning Centre. Our students can innovate and imagine using the latest technology and advancements in Education. Throughout the school, you will come across a variety of areas which allow students to fully engage in both creative and structured outdoor and sporting activities. Students enjoy the physical challenge of a rope climber, and the dedicated junior and senior climbing and Ninja Warrior equipment.
At the centre of our school is our large undercover area. This is where we all come together to participate in whole school and community functions. Student discos, open nights, performances, and special community events/ceremonies are regular features throughout the year in this area. We also have Vacation Care who utilise the space during the school holidays.
Augusta Primary School is the central hub of the Augusta community participating in community events and prides itself on its partnerships with both voluntary groups, emergency services and local companies. Many of our programs are community focused encouraging our students to interact with community members and contribute to their town. We also engage our community members to part take in school activities.
We are an Independent Public School with stable and enthusiastic leadership. We have a cohesive and devoted staff of classroom teachers, specialist teachers in Science, Japanese and Physical Education, quality education assistants, and dedicated ancillary staff. There is a culture of high standards and expectations with all teachers regularly reflecting on their practice using the AITSL Professional Standards in their performance management. There is a culture of open communication using parent information sessions and interviews, reporting to parents, parent meetings and informal conversations.
Specialist programmes consist of Japanese and Physical Education, and STEM/Science. A strong feature of the school is the highly experienced staff whose collaborative approach is appreciated and valued throughout the community.
The staff are highly trained and deliciated providing excellence in teaching and learning. They provide a safe environment for children to learn, a commitment to providing the best education for each child as well as having enthusiasm when encouraging a child to reach their potential.
We are proud to be a Kids Matter and a Be You School; putting children at the forefront of everything we do. We also operate under an ‘Open Door Policy’, inviting parents and caregivers into the school for parent classroom meetings and individualised student meetings, to take part in their child’s learning journey. Staff have access to professional development opportunities such as Spelling Mastery, Heggerty, Letters and Sounds, Brightpath, Explicit Instruction and Talk4Writing.